How to Strat Yoga Beginners

How to Start Yoga: A Beginner’s Guide for 2021

Medically Reviewed by Ashley Rosa

Written by Better Yoga Life Staff

Published on March 17, 2019

It is always difficult to start something new. With all the overwhelming information regarding yoga, it is very common that one may feel confused at the initial stage about how to start yoga. To start doing yoga you don’t have to think about your age, your fitness goal or anything else. Because this is one type of exercise that don’t have any side effects. It works internally and that why you feel the results from your inside. You will be looking good and feeling good. So, it is never too late to start yoga. Thus, if you are thinking to start it but don’t know how to start then keep reading this article. Here we have discussed how you can start yoga from a total beginner’s perspective.

Let’s Start our Article How to Start Yoga

How to Strat Yoga Beginners

Learn a Little About Yoga Basic

You can do yoga at your own house. However, it is always better to learn it in a class with other people. Just like a gym, when there are other people it gives you the opportunity to see them and you learn from them. Therefore, before you go to a class learn about some yoga basics. It is not mandatory, because in any beginner’s class they will teach you all the basic, but still if you go there having some prior ideas then it will be easy for you to grab the information.

For example, there are different types of yoga. Get an idea about the most popular and basic yoga types. Like, Hatha Yoga, Asthanga or Power Yoga. These are some very basic yoga types, but among them, Hatha yoga is really good for beginners. So, research a little about it before you attend a class. On the other side, there are some yoga types like Kundalini where you will have to be more concentrated, chanted and must incorporate with different spiritual elements. As a beginner catching these things will be really hard for anyone. Therefore, you need to know which type of exercise you are going to start.

Learn About Basic Yoga Poses

Once you get to know about the type, familiarize yourself with the basic poses. Sometimes what happens, that learners get confused with all the difficult yoga pose’s names. Therefore, it can be a really good idea if you know a little bit about the yoga poses and their names. Most of the poses have either an English or Hindi name. For example, Balasana is called Child’s Pose in English. So, depending on which type of instructor you have to learn one. Most of the times instructors mention both names.

Start with Your First Yoga Posehow to start yoga

Once you decide your yoga type and the pose, you can start practicing your first yoga pose. The first and the most important rule here is, give attention to your breathing. Deep breathing is the key to every yoga style. Sit on a comfortable place on the floor and start with a relaxed pose. Take deep breathes with your nose and fill out your belly with air. Give your full concentration at your breathing and that’s how you start with yoga.

Now you may think it is easy, that all you need to do is deep breathing. But, it more than just breathing. You must keep all your concentration on your breathing and relax your back muscle. This is the most essential part of doing yoga. Gradually you will find out that you have more control over your breathing than before. You will feel the change. Once you start feeling that calmness you will start stretching your arms and legs and will do different yoga poses.

As you feel comfortable with different leg and hand position you will move to learn about the advanced workout. But the first step is to learn how to breathe.

Picking up a Direction

Before you start doing yoga you need to decide which direction you want to go. Now, in this case, there is no rule, it totally depends on how you feel. If you are someone who feels more tired and cannot cope up with the time, then you have to pick a short and retroactive practice session. On the other side, if you are looking for more stability in your life then you may start with the standing position. Doing standing poses will give you a sense of stability. Or, if you are planning to start yoga because you need that boost up your energy level then add backends. You need to identify yourself which yoga is meeting your needs and giving you more strength.

Home or Class

You can be confused about whether you will start at your own home or in a class. As we said before it is always better to practice in a class. However, if there are no top-quality yoga classes available at your area then you can obviously start in your home. In that case, make sure you are learning it from experience and high-quality yoga DVD or video. There are many yoga programs available on the internet also. Before you start following someone have a look at their videos, the reviews, and all the details. Whether those videos are designed for beginners or not make sure to check that.

People with really busy time schedule you can look out for AM/PM Yoga. This type of yoga is designed for people who can only manage sometime in the morning and at night and comes with a lot of gentle and easy workouts. If you are doing yoga in your own home, you must ensure that you are choosing a very quiet place with no other disturbance of others. You need to choose a specific area where you will practice yoga every time. in this way, that space will become your own physical space. That place doesn’t need to be very spacious. It can be small, but it needs to be refreshing, not a suffocated lace. Place a yoga mat and if you want you can use some mist in the place to create a spiritual atmosphere.

Yoga at A Class

Now, if you are going to practice yoga at a class then you need to follow some basic rules. There is something you need to know and follow before you go to your first class.

First, go timely and if possible early. As you are a first timer you need to go a little early to the session so that you can have some time to adjust with the environment. You will also get to know about your place and where to store your props and all.

Next, take out your yoga matt with yourself. Now, there are some classes where you don’t need to take but it is always good if you take your own. As you need to feel very comfortable while doing all those yoga positions. After you enter the class roll out the matt and take a comfortable position.

As you are a beginner you need to share your thoughts and requirements in detail with your yoga instructor. This is very important, you have to mention your experience and also about any injuries that you have. Don’t feel shy to share these things.

Next, try to follow the class flow. Don’t panic or stress out if you cannot follow the flow of the class. It is very normal that first 2/3 days you will feel a little nervous to practice. But don’t make this an issue and discourage yourself to continue. Almost every yoga class will start with some breathing exercises and then it moves to different yoga poses. If you cannot keep u the pace at all, immediately inform your instructor.

Lastly, one of the most important rules at a yoga class is to maintain silence.

Set a Limityoga limit

Yoga is just like any other exercise. You need to set an aim and a limit. What works for someone else might not work for you. Therefore, you have to identify what works best for you and according to that set your limit. Now, there are actually no yoga poses which can be harmful to your body, but it is more like some yoga poses might not be so effective for you. On the other side, if you have any specific injury for example back pain or knee injury then you must choose to keep that in mind. Just don’t for with the popular ones. There are many yoga poses which require much strength and balance. If you are not comfortable doing those poses, then don’t go for. Yoga is all about learning about yourself and your limits. You cannot be harsh to yourself while practicing yoga for the first time. You need to feel calm and relaxed. Therefore, don’t set higher limits and don’t complicate your yoga sessions. There is nothing to feel embarrassed if you cannot do a certain pose.

15 Minute Yoga

For beginners, the best is to start with a short period of a yoga session. As we mentioned that yoga s all about how well you can keep your concertation. For any beginner, it will be really difficult to keep their concertation for a longer period. Therefore, it is best to start with a 15-minute yoga. In this short session of yoga, start with the central rule of breathing. You can practice the simple yoga poses like downward facing dog pose and then end up by doing the mountain pose. Keep your neck and hand relaxed.

You can also try a little longer like a 20-minute yoga. Here you also stretch your arms and legs. Start with these short sessions and gradually you will be able to move for a longer session. How often you should practice yoga again depends on person to person. However, it is advised to practice yoga t least 3 times per week when you are at a beginner level.

Know the Benefits

One great way to keep motivated to continue your yoga sessions is to know its great benefits. Because for many people this doesn’t look like a proper workout. If you are confused about whether yoga helpful or not, then try to talk with someone who has been practicing yoga for many years. An experienced yogic can motivate you to do your sessions. If you don’t know any person personally then look out on the internet. You will get to know a lot of health benefits of yoga. Knowing these benefits will help you to continue your yoga sessions.

Get the Yoga Mindset

Yoga is a practice that builds up a connection between your body and mind. There will be times when you don’t feel to continue, but no matter what you must keep moving. You need to set the yoga mindset that it is a self-inquiry system and you cannot just quit it in the middle of the road. Before you start your first class you will have to set this mindset. The successful yoga session is where you can give your full attention and get a feel of relaxation. It is much more than doing just those poses. It is almost like to dive into yourself. You must know why you are doing it and what are you doing.

To sum up, we want to say that there is no easy way to achieve something. But remember, if you can breathe that means you are able to do yoga. Yes, it is that simple. Start with simple poses and keep your mindset stable. Yoga is the best way to know yourself and to let go of stress and pain. It will take a lot of time to get its benefits but trust us once you have the benefits these are for a lifetime. it is a cleansing of your mind and body. It may take months or even year, but that doesn’t matter. Don’t just give up in the middle.

Hope this article was able to help you with the information that you are looking for. We wish you all a happy mind.

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