yoga poses for two people

13 Best Yoga Poses for Two People.

Medically Reviewed by Ashley Rosa

Written by Better Yoga Life Staff

Published on May 6, 2022

There is nothing as interesting and amusing as practicing yoga with your partner. Aside from the physical, mental, and emotional benefits it has offer, it allows you to connect with your partner and an avenue to do something with someone that you feel connected with. If you are looking to engage your friend or partner in yoga, yoga poses for 2 people are something that you should consider.

Best Easy Couples Yoga Poses List:

We have listed below the top 13 best partner yoga poses recommended by Yoga instructor. Scroll down for more information!

There is no doubt about the fact that yoga is a great form of exercise that helps to stretch out your muscles and help relax your mind. Some yoga practices also help to de-stress the body and help you find your inner calm. This clearly shows why yoga is so important and why you can’t afford to keep those that you care about away from it. If you are considering introducing your best friend or partner to yoga, suggesting yoga poses for two people is always a good idea.

Practicing yoga with your partner is fun and exciting. You won’t have to do the poses on your own. It allows you to learn with someone better and also allows you to teach someone that you are better than. The interaction attached to this makes it more interesting and more captivating for you.  Moreover, practicing with someone allows you to learn faster.

Have you been trying to learn easy yoga poses for 2 so you can practice with your friend or partner? Right here, we will be sharing all you need to know about the 13 best bff 2 person yoga poses. With what we will be sharing here, you will find it very easy to practice them and try them with your friends and partners. Aside from just sharing how you will practice it, we will also take you through the benefits of each of the yoga poses.

1. Partner Forward Fold:

What we have here is a yoga pose for two that helps to increase your flexibility and keep you in a good state of health. To do this pose, you will need a partner that is willing to try it out and also trust you. This is because it requires your partner to trust you not to overstretch. The following will take you through how to get this done easily.

How to do partner forward fold pose?

  • To do a Partner forward fold, the first thing you need to do is to sit on the floor, your legs stretched out in a wide V position facing that of your partner and the bottom of your feet touching each other
  • There are times when the length of your feet differs due to differences in height. Try to adjective this to accommodate each other.
  • Hold your partners forward with a firm but comfortable grip and slowly rock back and forth. To do this properly, lean back and allow your partner to fully stretch forward.
  • When you get this, continue to do this simultaneously and make sure you keep communicating in the process to know what your partner feels.

Benefits of forward fold pose:

When you practice the Partner forward fold yoga poses for two people, it helps to stretch your entire back, soothe your nervous system, gently stimulate and tone the internal organs, and increase the circulation of blood to the organs in your pelvic region.

2. Seated cat cow:

Also called marjaryasana-bitilasana in Sanskrit, this pose is a variation of the common cat-cow pose that is usually practiced by senior citizens. When done, it helps to helps flex the spine forward and back without any strain.

How to do seated cat-cow pose?

  • To do seated cat-cow, the first thing you need to do is to seat on the floor opposite your partner, crossing your legs and your knees touching
  • The next thing for you to do is to hold each other by the forearm. Your hands should be on the elbows of your partner while that of your partner should be underneath yours
  • Being a pose that requires a lot of trust from the partners involved, it is advisable that you first lean back slowly and rock forward simultaneously the first time
  • After ascertaining your trust in your partner, you can then go ahead to arch your spine and allow your chest to touch each other as you breathe in.
  • Finally, exhale and return to your initial position

Benefits of seated cat-cow pose:

When you practice Seated cat-cow it helps to relax your spine and relieve stress from your  body and it helps to increase flexibility around your spine region

3. Chair pose:

This is a therapeutic pose for a flat foot that you can add to your balancing series that offers more than you can imagine. It involves several muscles around your legs and it involves the full support of your leg muscles to do it. With every pose, you will notice a change in your body. To engage your partner in this pose, use the following steps as your guide.

How to do chair pose?

  • To start this pose, you will have to stand with your back touching that of your partner
  • Then, take your time to Interlace your hands, link your elbows together through your partners’ arms
  • After doing this, you will need to press your back against each other and use your legs to take a few steps away from your back.
  • Make sure you communicate with your partner to coordinate your positions as you squat in unison. As you move your body downwards, try to keep your thighs parallel to the ground and your knees at a right angle.
  • While maintaining that position, hold your breath and remain in that comfortable position.

Benefits of chair pose:

This is an easy yoga pose for 2 with a lot to offer. When practiced, it provides all that you need to tone and improve the functions of your heart and digestive organs. It also helps to time your hips, shoulders, butt, and back.

4. Temple Pose:

Here is another simple yoga pose for two that you need to add to your list. When practiced, it helps to increase the strength of the muscles in your body and helps to calm your body. Aside from the physical advantages, it helps to improve your ability to trust people because it’s a yoga that requires total trust in your partner. The following will help you get this done without any challenge.

How to do temple pose?

  • To do the temple pose, you and your partner will need to stand and face each other with your hips wide apart.
  • As you inhale, stretch out your arms overhead with your palms forward.
  • While maintaining that position, keep your legs straight with your hinge forward in the direction of your hips and allow your hands to meet with that of your partner.
  • Try to put the weight on your forearms, elbows, and keep your hands on your partner as you pressure each other
  • Allow your chest and stomach to release towards the floor while arching your back. With this, your heart will open up and feel relaxed
  • While maintaining this position, try to sync your breath with that of your partner and stay relaxed.

Benefits of Temple Pose:

Temple Pose helps to improve the functions of your circulation and the flow of blood to every part of your body. It also helps to relax your mind and keep you calm.

5. Double Tree Pose:

This is a side-by-side pose that many people find very easy to do. Being a pose that doesn’t require many technicalities, you will find it easy to practice it with your partner and get the best out of it. To do this pose effectively, you will need to have a body balance and trust in your partner, as you will need to communicate with your partner at all times. Below you will find a step-by-step guide on how to practice this yoga pose.

How to do a doubletree pose?

  • To start, you will need to stand side by side with your partner with your hips touching each other
  • Hold your palms together like you are about to say a prayer while still standing in that position
  • Release the arm close to your partner and wrap it around your partner.
  • While retaining your other hand in a prayer position, reach out to your partners’ other palm that is also in a prayer position in the middle and press it against each other to make it a unison prayer.
  • Gently lift the leg away from your partner and place the bottom of your feet on the thigh of your leg closest to your partner.
  • While maintaining this position, take a deep breath. Lastly,  remember to always switch positions when you notice that you feel exhausted.

Benefits of doubletree pose?

Double Tree Pose helps to calm your body and increase the strength of your leg muscles. It also helps you to stretch the muscles of your back and legs

6. Double Standing Forward Fold:

This yoga exercise should only be done after you must have properly stretched your legs. You need to do this because Double Standing Forward Fold requires a lot of stretching and trust. But if you can get this butt-to-butt pose right, you are going to enjoy it with your partner.

How to do double standing forward fold pose?

  • To do this pose, you will need to start by maintaining your standing position and stay 6″ apart from each other, and then bend forward with your knees slight bend
  • Keep your head down with your face facing the floor and use your hands to hold the back of your partners’ shin as you bend down.
  • As you stretch out, allow your tailbones to press against each other and maintain that posture as long as you can.
  • Communicate and take your breaths simultaneously
  • Lastly, if you want to stand up, slowly release your hand and keep it forward as you stand back up.

Benefits of double standing forward fold pose

When you practice Double Standing Forward Fold, it helps to improve posture, gives your heart some time to rest, and strengthens your feet. However, to enjoy all these benefits you mustn’t overstretch your spine.

7. Sitting Spinal Twist:

This is a special type of yoga that encourages spinal mobility. When done properly, it can improve your body system and increase the level of your flexibility. If you are thinking of a simple yoga that relaxes and invigorates your body, don’t hesitate to practice this yoga as much as you can. The following guidelines will help you to practice this without any difficulty.

How to do sitting spinal twist pose?

  • To do a sitting spinal twist, the first thing you will need to do is sit upright on your mat with your legs stretched out and your hands placed on your thighs.
  • The next step you will need to take is to bend your right knee and cross it over your leg, placing your foot next to the thigh of your left leg.
  • After doing that, you will need to bend your left knee and keep your left ankle in such a way that is very close to your right glute. While trying to get this position right, make sure your right foot stays plaster on the floor.
  • Gently take your hands behind to meet with that of your partner and carefully twist your body to the right while your left arm stays upward.
  • When you finally get this done, take a deep breath and maintain that position for as long as you can.

Benefits of sitting spinal twist pose:

When you practice sitting Spinal Twist well, it helps you to promote digestion and encourages the free movements of your spine. It also helps to massage the internal organs and reduce all kinds of pains associated with the lower back

8. Partner Boat Pose:

This is bff 2 person yoga pose that is specifically designed to strengthen your core, quads, and hamstrings. If you and your partner are beginners, this is a pose for you to try. The design of the yoga pose allows you to stretch your body without the risk of falling. The following tips will help you practice this pose and get it right.

How to do partner boat pose?

  • To do a partner Boat Pose, the first thing you need to do is to sit down on the board facing your partner
  • The next step for you to take is to stretch out your legs and press the bottom of your feet against each other and gently lift your legs together. Doing this requires a lot of communication, therefore you need to make sure you and your partner are communicating
  • While maintaining that position, stretch out your hands and try to hold your partners’ hands.
  • Finally, take a deep breath and try to lift your legs higher.

Benefits of partner boat pose?

Partner boat pose provides all that your body needs to tone your internal organs, strengthen your core and help to stretch the muscles of your arms. It also helps to calm your mind as you meditate.

9. Seated Forward Bend:

This pose is an excellent choice for runners ad it helps to ease the tension around the hips and stretch tight hamstrings. It’s a calm pose that involves your body and the total concentration of your mind. To do this pose, all you have to do is follow the guidelines below.

How to do seated forward bend pose?

  • To do a seated Forward Bend, the first thing you need to do is to sit in a staff pose position with your legs stretched out in front of your body
  • Remove your hands from both sides of your body and stretch them over your head. As you stretch them towards the ceiling, draw up your spine and inhale air
  • As you begin to exhale, extend your body forward using your hips as a hinge. To get this perfectly well, imagine your pelvis is a bowl filled with water that is tipping forward
  • When you inhale again, try to extend your hands forward and make your belly rest in your thighs as much as you can.
  • As you do the full extension of your body, use your hands to hold your shins or ankles and keep your feet flexed throughout the pose .
  • Lastly, make sure the bottom of your feet is touching that of your partner and it’s in a firm position throughout the pose.

Benefits of seated forward bend pose:

Seated Forward Bend is a powerful pose that provides a lot of health benefits. When done properly, it helps to improve mood and relieve stress. This clearly shows that you have so much to gain from practicing it.

10. Double Downward Dog:

Double Downward Dog is an easy yoga poses for 2 that helps to stretch out the spine and increase the flexibility of the backbone. Unlike other poses, it doesn’t require too much communication and reliance on your partner. You just need to put in your best as you do it.

How to do double downward dog pose?

  • Start by standing opposite your partner with your hands, kneeling on the mat with your fingers widely spread on the mat.
  • The second thing you will need to do is take a deep breath and pike your up towards the ceiling
  • While in this pose, stretch out and keep your shoulder and palms wide apart from your body.
  • Exhale, keep your head down facing the floor, and look at your knees

Benefits of double downward dog pose:

When you practice Double Downward Dog yoga with your partner, it helps to increase the strength of your core

11. Standing Partner Backbend:

Many people consider this pose as a warm-up yoga pose that helps to prepare the body for other intense yoga routines. There is no doubt about this, but when you put this yoga pose into good use, it helps boost the level of energy in your body and keep you healthy.

How to do standing partner backbend pose?

  • To do this yoga pose, the first thing you need to do is stand opposite your partner and face each other and grab your partners’ elbows or forearms
  • Gently lean backward, allowing your core muscles to hold you while trying to stretch out.
  • The next thing you will need to do is to slowly drop your head using your next muscles
  • While in this position, take in a deep breathe and allow your chest to open up to allow the inflows of air into your lungs

Benefits of standing partner backbend pose:

When you practice standing Partner Backbend with your partner, you will have all the energy you need to release the tension in your shoulder and neck and improve your respiratory system.

12. Seated Forward and Backbends:

What we have here is another simple yoga pose that provides all that you need to ease the pain around your hips and lower back. It also offers an opportunity to improve your cardiovascular health if you practice it properly.

How to do seated forward and backbends pose?

  • To do this yoga, you will need to seat in a staff pose backing your partner. While maintaining that pose, take in a deep breakdown and stretch out your arms about your head and as you exhale, take your time to extend the hands forward allowing your hands to touch your feet.
  • This should be done simultaneously with your partner. As your bend backward, your partner should be bending forward following the step described above.
  • With these, you should be able to achieve your goals

Benefits of seated forward and backbends pose:

Seated Forward and Backbends are designed to help improve the condition of your back muscles and relieve the tensions around the area.

13. Down Dog Bow Pose:

Often referred to as the prayer position, the down Dog Bow Pose is a powerful pose that is characterized by lowering the anterior part of your body. It helps to improve the muscles of your core and keep you in a good state.

How to do down dog bow pose?

  • Start by sleeping with your belly on your yoga mat keeping a distance of one foot between your feet.
  • As you exhale, lift your body into a plank pose and keep your legs and arms straight .
  • Try to inhale again and then pull your inner core inside your body with your head facing the direction of your knees.


If you have a partner that you want to explore yoga with, all that we have shared above are all you need to make every session count. This yoga poses for two will help you to get the best out of practicing yoga. It’s a whole new opportunity for you to enjoy yoga poses with someone close to you.

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