Is yoga aerobic or anaerobic

Is Yoga Considered an Aerobic or Anaerobic Exercise? Why?

Medically Reviewed by Ashley Rosa

Written by Better Yoga Life Staff

Published on July 23, 2022

Choosing yoga is very difficult when you’re unaware of whether yoga is an aerobic or anaerobic kind of exercise. Therefore, we must first determine if yoga is an aerobic or anaerobic activity to comprehend how yoga functions. So, let us inform you.

What is an Aerobic Exercise?

Aerobic exercise is any activity that requires oxygen to burn all the calories. It provides cardiovascular conditioning. The word “aerobic” means “with oxygen”. Frequent oxygen is required while doing aerobic exercises that boost your cardiovascular system. It also increases your heart rate with a fast flush of blood, which is good for burning higher levels of calories in less time.

However, following a brief warm-up, aerobic exercise should be performed for at least 30 minutes or more to achieve such outcomes.

Benefits of Aerobic Exercise:

·         Improving Cardiovascular Health:

The most important and well-known effect of aerobic exercise is to improve cardiovascular health. The heart gets greater blood flow, which strengthens it. The American Heart Association recommends it for people who have or are at risk for heart disease.

·         Lowering Blood Pressure:

Numerous body organs may malfunction if your blood pressure is excessive. Regular aerobic exercise allows the body’s blood to move freely and easily in blood vessels. In exchange, it unclogs your arteries and lowers your blood pressure.

·         It consumes blood sugar:

Exercise with a frequent supply of oxygen increases your heart rate and blood flow. This may lead to more consumption of blood glucose or sugar levels to generate energy. As you continue your exercise, the insulin in your body will also show great efficacy.

·         Provides Restful Sleep:

Cardiovascular workouts improve your sleep quality. Doing aerobic or anaerobic exercise before bed makes your sleep better and longer. Exercise also improves your mood instead of improving sleep quality.

However, avoid exercising two hours before bed because you’ll be tossing and turning in bed all night if you do.

·         Lowering Weight:

Numerous chronic diseases might develop as a result of being overweight. Any form of exercise can aid in weight management and reduce your risk of developing symptoms of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, and breathing issues, among others.

In particular, aerobic exercises burn more calories than weightlifting does. So, if you want to lose weight more quickly, engage in cardiovascular exercise.

·         Reducing asthma symptoms:

The Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care claims that aerobic exercise improves asthmatic patients’ ability to manage their breathing. When you have good breath control, you can reduce the severity and frequency of asthma attacks. Consult your doctor beforehand before starting any cardio exercises.

Similarities and Differences of Aerobic Exercise and Yoga:

Aerobic exercise and yoga have obvious similarities and have the same benefits. Yoga improves the blood flow of your body, which leads to improved heart health. As you learn to control your breathing through pranayama, or breathing exercises, it helps to lessen the symptoms of asthma. Yoga can also burn calories for weight loss, which helps to control blood sugar and blood pressure.

Finally, it relaxes your body, which in turn helps you sleep faster.

Is Yoga Aerobic?

Exercises such as running, swimming, and cycling are aerobic exercises which increase the heart rate. On the other hand, yoga emphasizes control of breath. Cardio exercise is exercise, but yoga is a lifestyle.

All yoga forms, including Yin, Yoga Nidra, and Restorative, are calming and therapeutic. These types of yoga are slower, gentler, and more meditative. On the basis of these, you cannot classify certain types of yoga as aerobic or cardio exercise.

Other types of yoga are Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Power, and Hot Yoga. These exercises share the same characteristics as aerobic exercises in that they are hard, fast, and last 40–90 minutes. Yoga, in contrast, doesn’t emphasize raising the heart rate. When you practice fast yoga styles, your heart rate rises.

What is an Anaerobic Exercise?

Anaerobic workouts don’t need as much oxygen throughout a workout as aerobic exercises do. Here, the main sources of energy are the ATP and glucose that are stored in the muscles.

Exercises of this nature are actually utilized to build muscles and open the bones. By exercising more intensely and frequently, you can increase your power.

The skeletal muscles will get stronger along with weight gain and muscular development.

Anaerobic activities require the pre-workout muscles to warm up just as any other workout does to prevent any form of muscle pull.

Anaerobic activities are not recommended for people who want to lose a significant amount of weight because they focus more on increasing body mass than on reducing weight.

Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise:

·         Faster Muscle Growth:

Weightlifting and other anaerobic workouts increase muscle mass more quickly than aerobic exercises. The muscle fibers can rupture when you try to deal with more weight and resistance. This process is known as hypertrophy.

The body will repair itself automatically if you focus the muscle fibers back together in the recovery phase. Because you apply more resistance during anaerobic exercises, your muscles grow faster than during aerobic exercises.

·         Protects joints:

Anaerobic exercise has more focus on mass building. When the surrounding ligaments and tendons are strong, the risk of injury becomes lower.

·         Boost Metabolism:

Your muscles become hungry after an intense workout. Even if you are sleeping, your metabolism is now operating at a higher rate at this point. It is important to eat good food after intense anaerobic exercise so that muscles can grow faster in mass.

·         It regulates blood pressure and blood sugar:

Anaerobic exercises also manage blood pressure and blood glucose levels, just like aerobic exercises do. Any form of exercise can strengthen the heart, allowing it to pump more blood and oxygen with less effort. As a result, the arteries will begin to function more efficiently, which will bring down blood pressure.

Similarities and Differences of Anaerobic Exercise and Yoga:

There are certain similarities between yoga and anaerobic activities. Resistance is used to build muscles during anaerobic exercises. When doing yoga, your body weight acts as resistance.

Usual bodyweight exercises such as Goddess Pose, Chair Pose, and Chaturanga are similar to numerous asanas of yoga.

On the other hand, the focus is where yoga and anaerobic activities defy each other. Yoga does not emphasize building muscles. In yoga, the focus is on maintaining a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Yoga differs from other forms of exercise in that you can’t gradually overload because you are simply utilizing your body as resistance. You can add external resistance equipment, such as free weights, weight machines, and resistance bands, during anaerobic exercises.

Is Yoga Anaerobic?

Depending on the style of yoga you practice, you determine whether yoga is anaerobic or not. You can’t do anaerobic or aerobic exercise while performing Yin Yoga or Restorative Yoga. However, hybrid yoga like HIIT yoga might be thought of as anaerobic.

Yoga is Neither Aerobic nor Anaerobic

Yoga has traditionally been neither anaerobic nor aerobic in nature. Ancient Yogis did not consider it to be a form of exercise. Only the style of yoga you perform can determine whether yoga is aerobic or anaerobic. Downward-facing dogs and handstands are considered part of yoga in the west. In this case, yoga is either an aerobic or anaerobic exercise.

So, Is Yoga Aerobic Or Anaerobic?

One can easily judge whether yoga is aerobic or anaerobic by completely understanding the differences between aerobic and anaerobic exercise. The ultimate goal of yoga is to stretch and tone your whole body. With the combined benefits of many exercises, yoga can work miraculously.

So, the type of yoga that gives the answer to the unsolved dilemma, is yoga aerobic or anaerobic. There are numerous styles of yoga that would be considered aerobic exercise, like Ashtanga.

All other forms of yoga that genuinely focus on stretching the body without hard breathing fall under the heading of anaerobic or regular exercise.

What Type Of Exercise Is Yoga?

For thousands of years, yoga has been performed religiously by people of many different faiths for both its spiritual and physical advantages.

Back then, yoga was the only kind of exercise that was done to help the body stretch and relieve chronic stress. As time went on, more physical activities and exercises were found to have positive effects on the body. These mostly involve weight loss and the development of muscles.

All of these recently developed exercises put a lot of effort on your muscles and put your cardiovascular system under intense breathing pressure.

On other hand, in most cases yog does not have such strains and heavy breathing, so we can say that yoga is not an exercise.

Yoga, on the other hand, does not require such strains and heavy breathing in most cases, so we can relatively say that yoga cannot be considered an exercise.


Finally, when it comes to the question of whether yoga is aerobic or anaerobic, we can reply that it is a hybrid of the two. It does have some fundamental similarities with other aerobic or anaerobic activities, but it also differs noticeably.

Yoga can also be considered a form of cardio exercise because some poses and meditation require breathing. Yoga is beneficial and unquestionably a superior option to the majority of other aerobic and anaerobic activities combined.

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