how often to do yoga

How Often Should You Do Yoga To See Better Results?

Medically Reviewed by Ashley Rosa

Written by Better Yoga Life Staff

Published on July 23, 2022

Yoga as an exercise makes you balanced, flexible, and physically fit. Besides physical fitness, it also strengthens your mental health for a healthy life. As a beginner, a question must click in your mind. How often to do yoga? It’s human nature to think about results beforehand. Here are some points that you should remember before starting a yoga practice to get better results.

Considerable Things of How often to Do Yoga:

Examine Your Body Frequency:

First of all, check the body’s frequency to see how many times you can practice yoga in a week. Research in China describes six times yoga practice is enough to attain results related to physical and mental health. However, if you want some individual benefits, then practice yoga regularly, but make sure that you don’t target a specific muscle in your regular practice. Alter your poses on a daily basis to avoid injury or strain on your muscles.

Make a plan to practice yoga poses at least three times per week. In this way, you will be more committed to your yoga practice and achieve long-term results.

Time to Practice:

If you are a newbie or beginner, it is hard for you to do yoga practice for a long period of time because your body is not accustomed to it. Mostly, practice time depends on the capabilities of your body. You can practice from 15 to 60 minutes. For a beginner, practicing for 15 minutes in the morning is preferable. A research in the US shows that 42% of people do their yoga practice in the morning for better results. Practice at other times in the day, along the morning, is also ideal to get target results.

Time Interval for Yoga Pose:

After testing the capacity of yoga practice, test your holding potential for yoga poses. Always avoid overloading a practice with specific poses that can harm your joints and muscles. A balanced practice at regular intervals is preferable to improper yoga practice over time. If you want to add more poses to your practice, then increase the time period. This will help to practice each pose precisely with better results.

Don’t Give Up:

In Start, yoga practice makes your muscles cramp, which can hurt. Practicing your yoga exercise on a daily basis can be the best solution to this, which leads to the habit of muscles. If you feel difficulty in deep stretching poses, modify them by using blocks or yoga straps. Work with consistency and don’t give up your practice.

Based On Your Aims – How Often You Should Do Yoga?

Yoga is surely about the journey, not the destination. Let’s be honest, though. Many people wind up on the mat in order to accomplish certain objectives. Yoga’s progress remains the same, whether it is a calmer mind, a learner, or stronger muscles. When you start to explore yoga and asana practice, a tricky question comes to mind: “How much should I do to see target results?”

The following points will help you see the big picture and choose a schedule that will get you closer to your goals.

How often should you do yoga as a Beginner?

Beginners shouldn’t be worried about getting immediate results. It is impossible to get a killer body or six-pack abs in 2 weeks. Firstly, it will be just beating the bush in such a short time. Secondly, yoga doesn’t allow for a super quick transformation. Start your yoga practice as often as your daily routine allows. Even an hour a week is also beneficial.

The more you do yoga, the more you get results. On this journey, however, consistency is key, which you have to grasp firmly for success. Doing daily workouts gives more benefits than doing 3 or 4 hours once a week. There is a greater opportunity to stick to a habit when you don’t force your body. So, also listen to the body’s capacity. There is no shame in taking a rest during the session or modifying poses when you’re exhausted or fed up with the fast schedule of the class.

How often should you do yoga  for Lose Weight.

Check your diet plan. Are you digesting more calories than your body desire? A healthy diet plan is essential if you want to lose excess body fat. If your diet is out of control, no amount of intensive yoga for three hours a day will help you lose weight.

Yoga burns fewer calories than cardio exercises like dancing, running, aerobics, etc. Although yoga is not as efficient for weight loss as cardio exercise, it can still be a part of a weight management program. Practice vigorous yoga styles (Power Yoga, Vinyasa, Ashtanga) that allow you to move throughout the class.

Mostly, three to six sessions per week are suggested, depending on how fast and how much you want to reduce weight.

How often should you do yoga  for Build Muscle and Get Stronger.

Yoga falsifies its own myth that yoga is just a stretching practice. However, some yoga styles are strength training. In yoga, you lift your body weight instead of lifting heavy weights. Plus, you frequently add weights to your practice routine when you are in challenging poses. To build strong muscles in your body, focus on challenging and dynamic yoga poses. You have to go with Vinyasa, Power Yoga, Ashtanga, and hybrids, such as lifting your body weight. Bikram and hot yoga also ensure increasing muscle mass and general stamina.

There is no problem if you do intense yoga three times a week ( one hour in every session). But try to alter the pose, don’t overload on a specific muscle every time, which can cause disaster.

How often should you do yoga  for Increase Flexibility.

This is totally dependent on your body. Some people are naturally more flexible. Practicing once a week can be enough for them to retain body suppleness. On the other hand, are those people who practice every day to limber the muscles and joints? But when they get back on the mat after a one-week break, they find themselves starting from scratch.

Almost every yoga style enhances the mobility and suppleness of joints and muscles. If your ultimate goal is a highly flexible body, then Yin Yoga is preferable. Flexibility practice is usually accompanied by some sort of stretch training. There is no limitation to how often you practice in a day to limber the body. In a flexible pose, you are risking instability of joints and hypermobility of the joints. Strength training will assist you in building strong muscles around your joints that protect you from injury.

How often should you do yoga  for Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep:

Breathing techniques and gentle yoga give you calming effects. Working with consistency on a regular basis will bring greater benefits in the long term, which will allow you more control over focus, emotions, and energy level.

If you are a busy bee with a very hard schedule, start with small, short, and gentle asana poses. A small practice before going to bed has an immediate positive effect on the quality of sleep.

How Did Yoga Change My Body Before And After?

As you all know very well, yoga exercise is perfect for positive physical and mental changes. Being a yogi, you must think while practicing how yoga changes your body before and after. The following are major changes you feel after yoga practice.

Shaped body:

The ideal physical change yoga can bring about is a thin, flexible physique with toned muscles. It beautifully gives shape to your body, making it look more attractive and majestic.


Yoga transforms your stiff body into a flexible and mobile one. Your body becomes flexible enough to easily perform difficult postures. Injuries and pain are less common in people who have flexible bodies.


Yoga focuses on your body, which aids in cognition improvement. A focused body has better memory and decision-making abilities than an absent body. So, practicing yoga transformed your distracted mind into a calm, intelligent, and strong mind.


After practicing yoga, your body becomes more balanced. You will be able to hold poses in space, such as a tree pose, with proper alignment. The balanced body is not only responsible for maintaining poses but also improves joint stability. It keeps you from twisting your ankles and having serious knee problems.

Increase Energy:

Yoga breathing energizes you by regulating hormones and blood circulation. You gain enough stamina and strength to easily complete daily physical exercises.


In our final words to the question of how often should I do yoga to see results, we suggest you be committed to the practice. Commit to practicing yoga while considering all of the factors we discussed, and you will undoubtedly notice how well your body responds to this commitment. More dedicated practice will lead to the desired result in your body.

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