20 Minute Yoga for Beginners

20 Minutes of Yoga for Beginners: Home Routine.

Medically Reviewed by Ashley Rosa

Written by Better Yoga Life Staff

Published on June 16, 2022

Yoga and meditation are great for a healthy body and healthy mind. Having an active mind in a fit body is a great blessing. However, most of us don’t find enough time to add meditation to our lives. For most of the beginners, the real problem lies in how to remain consistent for a few minutes. Many of them lose motivation as not seeing any benefits on their body after two or three sessions disappoints them. For beginners, things don’t have to be difficult and stressful. If you want to practice yoga like professionals or experts, you will end up finding it really hard to get yourself adjusted into it. So, start with small and easy things. Initially, you can start yoga for 10 minutes and then increase your time up to 20 minutes when you are totally comfortable with it. 20 minutes of yoga for beginners is really good practice. In addition, it is not compulsory to start yoga in a studio where you can accessorize yourself with all the necessary equipment and an ideal environment. Rather, find a suitable place at your home and give it a go.

14 Yoga Poses for Beginners: In-Home Sessions.

This post will discuss different yoga poses for Beginners along with their benefits:

  • Sun Salutation Yoga Pose:

Many beginners start their yoga regimen with sun salutation. This yoga for beginners pose consists of 12 other poses which are practiced in combination to achieve a flow. The best part of this yoga pose is that you can adjust it to meet your needs. If you are a beginner, you can start with a light sun salutation and a more advanced one if you are a yoga expert.

Since and sun salutation allows you to focus on your breath while keeping your movement in control, you can increase the circulation of blood to each and every part of your body. In addition, you are likely to burn more fats if you regularly execute this yoga pose.

  • Baby Cobra Yoga Pose:

Baby cobra pose is popular among those who are fond of push-ups. In this pose, you have to lay down on your belly putting your arms on the floor near your chest and then try to lift your back off the floor. It would be really hard initially as lifting your back with your arms is not easy. However, practice will make you perfect.

Baby cobra pose increases muscle strength and teaches you to burn fats from belly, thighs and other parts.

  • Bridge Pose Yoga Pose:

If you want to bend your back in order to relieve back pain or straighten your spine, bridge pose is for you. All you need to do is pose like a bridge putting your body weight on your legs and arms. It improves the posture of the body. It straighten your back muscles and spine making you more balanced.

  • Low Lunge Yoga Pose:

Low lunge yoga pose is ideal for beginners who want to increase the strength of their lower body. In order to get into this pose, bend yourself downwards, bring your right foot forward between your hands, lower your left knee on the floor. Keep moving your left leg back until you have sufficiently stretched your body. While you are in this pose, focus on how you inhale and exhale. This pose is best for strengthening your knees and since you focus on your breath, it is easy for you to learn to focus.

  • Low lunge with a back bend yoga pose:

This yoga pose requires you to put weight on one knee that is one the floor and other knee on the ankle. Then inhale and exhale gradually shifting your weight from one knee to another. During this exercise, your back will remain in a bent position.

If you have lower back pain or if you want to increase strength in your back, you must try low lunge with a back bend.

  • Spinal Twist Yoga Pose:

A strong and healthy spine is what we all need especially when we want to stay fit. This yoga pose is recommended to those athletes who are at the entry level of their career and need extra care to give to their body posture. This pose will allow you to create an intense stretch by enabling you to twist your spine. It will definitely increase the extent to which you can move your spine.

Spinal twist will enable you to digest your food in a better way. You can also get rid of lower back pain if you do spinal twist yoga exercise daily for 20 minutes.

  • Downward Facing Dog Yoga Pose:

In order to be in this position, start kneeling on your legs and arms. Now straighten your all fours in such a way that your hips are facing the ceiling. Now, move your head downwards so that you can easily see your navel. Now straighten your legs

This is the best yoga pose to try at home for beginners. It elongates the spine and since you put your weight on your arms and legs, you are likely to make your wrist and ankles stronger than ever.

  • Half Sun Salutations Yoga Pose:

It is another pose that everyone at their beginner level can try out. There are basically 12 types of half sun salutations and each of them intense to keep your body and mind strong. This yoga pose will eventually balance your body and its multiple variations come with a multitude of benefits depending on which variation you go with. As a beginner, you might feel tired very early during yoga sessions. Half sun salutations will keep you engaged in every session.

  • Seated Twists Yoga Pose:

Seated twists are best for those struggling to manage their stress. This yoga pose enables you to twist your body while sitting. Use your both arms to move your chest from one side to another while totally focusing on your breath. Make sure you don’t have serious injuries when you turn your body into this pose.

Seated twists are capable of encouraging your body to shift energy from one part of the body to all other parts. You can also reduce tension in your shoulder or knee muscles.

  • Forward Fold Yoga Pose:

This yoga pose is ideal for beginners as it requires less and also very easy to perform. When your body is feeling sore because of tension in your muscles, forward fold yoga posture will stretch your body and maintain balance in your body

If you want to do it at home, you don’t even need a mat. No matter how are on your bed or in your chair, forward fold your body and increase the flow of blood to each and every part of your body.

  • Cat-Cow Yoga Pose:

For coming in the cat-cow pose, shape your body like a table allowing your chest to move forward and belly to move downwards. This pose is ideal for those who are often found concerned for poor body balance. Backache also goes away with cat-cow yoga pose.

  • High Planks:

Beginners who need a slightly tough pose often go for high planks. It is best for those who want to achieve six packs but surely need something easy and strenuous at the same time. High planks don’t focus on selective parts of the body. Rather, they will give strength to every part of the body from head to toe. High planks are for beginners and experts as they give so much energy.

  • Seated Forward Fold Yoga Pose:

If you ask yoga practitioners how they started with yoga, they will definitely name this yoga pose. In this pose, you don’t move your lower body and extend the upper part of the body. You needs to fold the upper part & forward moves the lower part inwards. If you have to sit on the desk all day, simply go into seated forward fold pose and do yoga and work. It will relieve you from backache. Seated forward fold also enables you to work on your belly fats thereby, helping you to control your weight.

  • Low Lunge Twist Yoga Pose:

Be in the lunge post and twist your body from one side to another will boost your energy level. If you start feeling drained a few minutes later after you have started the yoga exercise, low lunge twist will add energy and flow to the entire session. For beginners, low lunge twist is so easy because they don’t need to put extra efforts in learning this pose if they are already aware of the lunge pose.

Final Words:

Yoga is an excellent exercise of the mind and body. Beginners often feel demotivated after starting this exercise because they don’t find it impressive or sometimes they struggle being in a specific pose than turns them off.

Luckily, there are many yoga exercise poses that a person trying to fit 20 minutes of yoga into his life can try. However, the beginners should never choose a pose based on how easy it is or how quickly it can be done. Rather, potential benefits of each posture should be known so that beginners can select what meets their needs.

A yoga pose exercised in a right way can help every beginner reap many benefits.

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