yoga for runner

Yoga for Runner – Best Yoga Poses for Runners.

Medically Reviewed by Ashley Rosa

Written by Better Yoga Life Staff

Published on February 6, 2023

Are you a runner looking to incorporate yoga into your routine? Or are you a yogi searching for a more restorative practice? The answer may be right in front of you. The perfect balance between the two can be found in combining yoga for runners and yin yoga. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of both practices and how they can be incorporated into a healthy fitness regimen. So read on to learn more about how yoga for runners and yin yoga can be the perfect balance for your exercise routine.

Best Yoga Poses for Runners:

Yoga is an incredibly versatile practice, and can be beneficial to runners of all levels. However, there are certain types of yoga that are particularly suited to runners.

  • Vinyasa yoga:

Vinyasa yoga is a great choice for runners. This style of yoga incorporates flowing movements and poses with an emphasis on breath work. It’s an effective form of exercise that helps build strength, flexibility, and endurance while offering a mental and emotional challenge as well.

  • Hatha yoga:

Hatha yoga is also ideal for runners. This type of yoga focuses on postures and breathing techniques. The slower pace of Hatha allows runners to focus on proper alignment and stretching, which is essential for preventing injuries.

  • Yin yoga:

Yin yoga is another type of yoga that runners may find beneficial. This slow-paced form of yoga works to stretch the connective tissues in the body, and helps runners to maintain flexibility and range of motion. Additionally, Yin yoga can help runners to reduce stress and tension in their muscles.

  • Restorative Yoga:

Restorative Yoga is a great way for runners to relax and unwind after a long day or week of running. This type of yoga involves using props such as bolsters and blocks to support the body in various poses. Restorative yoga helps to restore the body by promoting relaxation and a sense of calmness.

No matter which type of yoga you choose, it’s important to listen to your body and practice safely. Yoga is an incredible way to enhance your running performance while simultaneously working on physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Is Yoga Good For Runner?

The answer is a resounding yes! Yoga has many benefits for runners, from increasing flexibility and improving balance to strengthening muscles and improving breath control. It can also help reduce stress, improve mental focus, and increase overall physical endurance.

Yoga helps runners in numerous ways, including improving mobility and range of motion, preventing injury, and increasing strength and stability. When practiced regularly, yoga can help runners become faster, more efficient, and better prepared for their races.

By focusing on body awareness and alignment, yoga can help runners improve their form, which helps them run more efficiently. By targeting specific muscle groups, yoga can also help strengthen certain areas of the body, such as the hip flexors and quadriceps, which can help reduce the risk of injury.

Additionally, by learning how to control the breath, yoga can help runners improve their lung capacity and oxygen intake, allowing them to run longer and harder. Finally, yoga can also be used to reduce stress levels and improve mental focus, helping runners stay in the present moment and stay focused on their goals.

All in all, yoga can be an excellent addition to any runner’s training routine. With its many benefits, it can help runners get stronger, faster, and more injury-resistant — helping them reach their goals and perform their best.

How Often a Runner Should Do Yoga?

The frequency at which a runner should do yoga largely depends on the individual and their goals. It’s important to understand that yoga is meant to supplement running, not replace it. If a runner is only looking for stress relief and improved mobility, then once a week may be sufficient. However, if a runner is looking to become more flexible and improve their balance, they should aim to practice two to three times a week. That said, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Listen to your body and find out what works best for you!

How Yoga Makes a Better Runner?

Yoga is an amazing way to improve your running performance. The practice of yoga can help runners gain increased flexibility, strength, and balance, which in turn leads to improved running form. Yoga also helps runners develop better breathing techniques, which helps them increase their endurance and reduce the risk of injury.

Yoga helps runners develop a better sense of body awareness. When you practice yoga, you learn how to move your body more efficiently and effectively in a variety of positions and poses. This improved body awareness translates into better running form and posture, as well as improved coordination and balance.

The stretching exercises you do during a yoga class also helps reduce muscle tension and stiffness in the areas used for running. This reduces the risk of injury due to overuse or improper movement. The improved flexibility that comes with yoga helps runners increase their range of motion, which in turn leads to improved performance.

Yoga also helps to improve mental focus and clarity, allowing runners to stay in the zone longer and perform at higher levels. Through meditation and mindfulness techniques, yoga allows runners to stay focused on the task at hand and block out all of the distractions around them. This allows them to push themselves further, break through any mental blocks, and achieve their goals.

Yin Yoga for Runners:

Yin Yoga is a form of yoga practice that focuses on stretching and targeting the connective tissues of the body. This type of yoga emphasizes holding poses for longer durations than typical vinyasa or flow classes, with an emphasis on releasing tension from deep within the body’s tissues. Asanas (poses) are held for three to five minutes, or sometimes up to twenty minutes at a time. This allows for a deep stretch and targeted release of tension in the body’s fascia, ligaments and joints. In Yin Yoga, the poses are usually done while seated or lying down, which allows the student to relax into the pose and hold it without strain.

The practice also encourages stillness and mindfulness, helping to create greater awareness of the subtle energy within the body. Yin Yoga is an excellent complement to more active styles of yoga, as well as other forms of exercise such as running.

Incorporating Yin Yoga into Your Training:

Yin yoga is a great way for runners to add an extra layer of training to their routine. This type of yoga focuses on deep stretching and holding poses for an extended period of time, often targeting the connective tissues in the body. This can be especially beneficial for runners as it helps strengthen areas of the body that are not usually targeted in more traditional running exercises.

To incorporate yin yoga into your training routine, start by dedicating at least 10 minutes of your workout to a few yin poses. You can easily find online yoga classes or guides to help you get started. Aim to hold each pose for 1-3 minutes and avoid any poses that cause discomfort or pain.

Once you have established a practice with yin yoga, you can add more time or challenging poses to the routine. You may also want to add other styles of yoga, such as vinyasa or hatha, to vary your workouts and further develop strength, flexibility, and balance.

Remember, even just 10 minutes of dedicated yin practice can bring great benefits to your running performance. Regularly incorporating yin yoga into your training will help improve flexibility, reduce the risk of injury, and boost mental clarity. So why not give it a try?

What Runners Should Keep in Mind When Doing Yoga?

When it comes to yoga for runners, there are some important things to keep in mind. First, be sure to always start with a warm-up and cool down period to help prevent injury. Secondly, focus on your breath and try to take deep breaths throughout your practice.

Finally, listen to your body and make adjustments as needed. It is important to respect the limits of your body and know when to rest or stop if necessary.

Additionally, be aware of the type of yoga you are doing. Different styles of yoga may offer different benefits or pose challenges that runners should consider. For example, Yin Yoga is a great way to increase flexibility and mobility, but it may not be the best choice for those who want to build strength and power. Be sure to do the type of yoga that is best suited for your goals.

It is also important to pay attention to postures and ensure that you are in correct alignment when practicing yoga. Poor form can lead to injury or discomfort and can make a yoga practice less enjoyable. Therefore, be sure to practice good posture and ask your instructor for help if needed.

Finally, remember that yoga is a practice and it takes time and dedication to see results. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t master a pose or flow immediately; patience and consistency will go a long way in your yoga practice. Enjoy the journey and take pride in small improvements!


 Yoga is an amazing tool for runners to improve their performance, reduce the risk of injury, and become more mindful and focused. By incorporating yoga into their training routine, runners can increase their overall fitness level, become better runners, and reach their running goals faster.

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