Tantra Yoga

Tantra Yoga – 6 Things You Need to Know

Medically Reviewed by Ashley Rosa

Written by Better Yoga Life Staff

Published on August 20, 2022

Tantra yoga is the modern form of ancient Vedic and spiritual practice. Tantrics yoga made innovative unorthodox techniques for following to experience the oneness and the reality of the entire universe. Instead of expanding one’s awareness tantra considers the value of the body as a tool to delight in. In the early Indian civilization, yoga techniques gave up the physical body and focused on conscious effort to keep oneself away from the suffering encountered in the body.  Tantra enlightens the internal world of the body by discovering the value of awareness. Tantra yoga gives the context of modern yoga practice and techniques.

What is Tantra Yoga?

According to old yogic texts, the meaning of tantra changed over time. Originally the meaning of the word tantra was “weave or loom” and later was defined as “technique, method, or device.” the current and more relevant definition comes from an old text Kamika-tantra text:

Due to explaining (tan) plentiful and profound matters, particularly relating to the principles of reality (tattva) and holy mantras, and gives freedom (tra), so, called a tantra.

Tantra is a kind of yoga that knit different techniques together, such as visualization, mudras, mantra meditation, and pranayama to learn the inner universe through the human body.  These Tantric practices and customs primarily concern the development and accumulation of kundalini energy.

Tantra Yoga Techniques:

Tantra yoga arises from the worship of Shiva and Shakti___ the whole world’s dynamic and static principles. The energy of Shiva (static, destructive, male) and Shakti (dynamic, creative, feminine) is seen as a constant play that takes many different forms.

In this yoga, the energy of body and spirit make a bridge from the physical to the Devine. The building of energy pays heeds on activation of kundalini, cultivation of prana, and purification.  Energy is activated in the body through performing asana, mudra, pranayama, and shtkarma. So, tantra yogis make yoga postures and breathing exercises. Shatkarma is purifying technique while mudra is a gesture technique.

Some other religious practice like yantra, puja, and mantra uses to develop the spiritual body. Mantra is a holy Sanskrit method to get divine power. Yantras. Yantras is a sacred geomatic form that concentrates on Tantric rituals. Puja is devotional worship.

Tantra Yoga & Sex:

In order to increase connection and closeness, tantra yoga was come to the light in the west in the nineteenth century as an exotic sexual-spiritual exercise. Tantra’s status as a yoga technique for excellent sex was further popularized and established throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s sexual revolutions and interest in Eastern mysticism. Tantra has historical connections to classical tantric teachings on the subtle energy body and the embodied presence of a sexual union. However, it is a distortion of this complex and subtle enlightenment method to oversimplify and combine tantra yoga with sexual practices and interpersonal connections.

Ultimate Aim of Tantra:

Focusing on personal experimentation and experiencing tantra yoga led you to radical methods that purify your mind and body to untie you from all the knots of physical existence. The very well know tantra school “Left Hand” used behaviors including having sex, drinking alcohol, and eating meat as effective means of transformation. Tanta yoga includes a wide range of practices, but its fundamental goal is to use the using the body as a shrine to worship the holy oneness of all life.

What Takes Place in Conventional Tantra Yoga?

Although I had received Western-style yoga teacher training, it wasn’t until I lived in an Indian ashram and engaged in a traditional tantra yoga practice that I actually attained my deepest comprehension and expression of what yoga is.

Tantra yoga lessons in India began with participants lying on the ground with their eyes closed. We were to wait for the teacher’s entry into the room so that we could listen to their word from the back of the room to start. They didn’t introduce themselves or give any information about what would take place or how to perform the asanas.

I was initially baffled and a little furious because I had no idea what was happening. To identify some of the asanas, I had to turn to look at the other pupils. I eventually started to feel at peace with the voice echoing from the rear of the room. Being able to close my eyes and concentrate entirely on my practice without being distracted by a teacher’s hints gave me a sense of freedom.

Over time, I came to understand that this style of yoga is more of a moving meditation than a physical exercise. Traditional tantra yoga prioritizes internal connection and reflection, with the primary goal of self-knowledge and empowerment taking preference above physical flexibility, strength, and prior knowledge of the postures.

Because I wasn’t being instructed on how to perform each asana or for how long, I was eventually able to locate in each pose exactly what my body required. I discovered strength in this freedom and ultimately came to believe that this style of yoga was much more potent than what I had personally encountered in the West.

What Thing Makes Tantra Different from Yoga?

The most prominent difference between historical tantra and historical yoga is that tantra involves the role of a guru, worship of deity especially goddesses, tradition, physical and energetic embodiment, and the start of esoteric teachings, but yoga focus on the enlightenment of your body and soul through discipline and meditation.

How to Practice Tantric Yoga?

1. Stop the mental chatter

Any mental and physical obstacles to growth will dissolve as a result of practicing tantric yoga.

What are you imagining when you enter a backbend? “I am not strong; my wrists hurt; I’ve grown too old,” What emotions do you have? Fear? Panic? Pain?

Tantric yoga poses focus on calming this internal chatter so that practitioners can flow into difficult asanas with ease. One of the major benefits of tantric yoga is personal empowerment.

2. Feel comfortable in silence

Classes in traditional tantra yoga poses are not conducted to music. We value the significance of feeling at ease in the absence of sound. The yoga class should be a place of meditation and relaxation in a world full of constant distractions.

3. Fitness is not an ultimate goal

Everything your bodies have ever learned is within their power. All you have to do is move out of their way. You constantly subject your bodies to stressors, so you have to maintain them in flight-or-fight mode. Get such motivation so that you express regret for relaxing. Keep yourself in the movement to make, spend, and use energy until you can’t get more.

To keep running start to consume our reserves, which make your body still, tense, anxious, and depressed. But the tantra assists you to relax. Once, you get a way to lessen your mental stress, you will be on new heights and depts in your lives and practice.

4. Accept pleasure

Your mind and body will be prepared for receiving and enjoying pleasure through tantric yoga.  Since pleasure is a feeling of excitement in the body, sex is frequently related to it. But according to tantric yoga principles, everything in life has the ability to make you happy.

Tantra enables the practitioner to taste the universe’ unity and have a direct encounter with the Divine. Tantra offers a wide variety of yogic methods to induce ecstasy, representing a vast synthesis of spiritual wisdom.

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