Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose – How to Perform the Cobra Yoga Pose?

Medically Reviewed by Ashley Rosa

Written by Better Yoga Life Staff

Published on February 5, 2023

The cobra yoga pose (bhujangasana) is an incredible yoga asana that offers a multitude of physical, mental and spiritual benefits. This powerful backbend strengthens the spine, opens the chest, and can help to improve posture. Not only that, but it can also be calming and soothing to practice, allowing the practitioner to tap into feelings of confidence and courage. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at cobra yoga pose and explore its many potential benefits.

What is the Cobra Pose?

The Cobra Pose, also known as Bhujangasana, is a traditional yoga pose and a part of the Sun Salutation sequence. This pose is intended to stretch and strengthen the back and abdomen muscles while calming the mind and improving concentration. It can also help with reducing stress and depression as well as increasing energy levels.

History of Cobra Yoga Pose:

The cobra pose, or bhujangasana, is an ancient yoga posture originating from India. This pose is a part of many traditional Hindu spiritual practices and was first mentioned in the ancient Hindu text called the Hatha yoga Pradipika. The cobra pose has been used for centuries in yoga and meditation for its numerous benefits to physical and mental health.

This pose is named after the hooded cobra snake, since it resembles the shape of the snake when it is ready to attack. The pose itself requires you to lie on your stomach while lifting your chest and head upwards. This is believed to help open up the chest and lungs, allowing energy to flow freely throughout the body.

Benefits of Cobra Yoga Pose:

The cobra pose offers a range of physical benefits that can be experienced with regular practice. On a physical level, it can help to open up the chest and lungs, allowing for better breathing. This improved breathing can have a positive effect on our overall wellbeing and help to reduce stress levels.

It can also help to increase strength in the back and improve posture by strengthening the spine, core muscles, and glutes. The cobra pose can also help to stimulate digestion and improve blood circulation throughout the body.

How to Perform the Cobra Yoga Pose?

The cobra pose is a classic yoga asana that has been practiced for centuries. It stretches and strengthens the back muscles while also calming the mind and improving posture. Here are the steps to performing the cobra pose:

1. Begin by lying flat on your stomach on a yoga mat, with your legs stretched out behind you and your arms placed at your sides.

2. Keeping your legs stretched out, press your hands firmly into the ground and inhale deeply.

3. Exhale and slowly lift your chest and upper body off the ground using your abdominal muscles. Your elbows should remain bent, close to your body.

4. Lift your head up, gaze forward and hold this position for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply.

5. To come out of the pose, exhale and slowly lower your chest and upper body back down to the mat.

When practicing this pose, it is important to make sure that you are keeping your neck long and in line with your spine. You should also focus on engaging your abdominal muscles, as well as avoiding any strain or pressure in the lower back. To get the most benefit from the pose, remember to keep your breathing deep and steady throughout.

Tips for Perfecting the Cobra Yoga Pose:

  • Start in Child’s Pose:

Before you begin this pose, start in child’s pose and focus on your breathing. This will help you warm up and relax your body before starting the cobra pose.

  • Engage Your Core Muscles:

As you rise from child’s pose, use your core muscles to initiate the lift. Engaging your core will give you the strength to hold the pose for longer periods of time.

  • Keep Your Chest Open:

When you lift into this pose, make sure your chest is open and your shoulders are down and away from your ears. This will help you get the full benefits of the pose while also reducing strain on your neck and back.

Cobra Yoga Pose for Advanced Yogis:

For those who have mastered the basic cobra yoga pose, there are a few variations that can take your practice to the next level. For instance, you can try raising one arm in the air and turning your head to look towards the raised arm while remaining in the cobra pose. You can also incorporate other yoga poses into the cobra, such as upward dog or an easier backbend.

Once you have perfected the basic cobra pose, you can also extend your practice further by transitioning into more challenging backbends. This includes poses like bhujangasana (cobra II), dhanurasana (bow pose), and ustrasana (camel pose). Each of these poses adds an additional level of intensity to your practice, and help increase the range of motion in your spine.

FAQ‘s about Cobra Yoga Pose!

Q1. What is the cobra pose good for?

This pose is a beneficial yoga asana that has many physically and mentally benefits. It increases flexibility, strengthens the spine and core muscles, and can help with posture.

Q2. Who should not does cobra yoga pose?

This pose involves a lot of backbend, so if you’ve had a neck or back injury in the past, it’s best to skip this pose. If you have hypertension, avoid doing this pose as it can further increase your blood pressure.

Q3. How long should you hold this pose?

The length of time you should hold this pose will depend on your level of flexibility, strength, and experience. Generally speaking, it is recommended to hold the pose for anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Q4. How to do cobra yoga pose as a beginner?

It is an excellent asana for anyone starting out in yoga. It is simple to do and provides many benefits, such as increasing strength and flexibility in the spine. To begin, lay flat on the ground on your stomach. Place your palms flat on the floor next to your chest and curl your toes underneath you.

 Lift your head and chest off the floor, arching your spine and pushing your chest forward. At this point, you should be balancing on your hands and toes with your stomach and thighs pressed firmly into the floor. Hold the pose for a few breaths before slowly releasing it back down.


Try it to experience the benefits. this pose, also known as Bhujangasana, is a powerful yoga posture that can help to strengthen the back, open the chest and improve flexibility in the spine. It is a great way to build core strength and improve posture. This pose can also be beneficial for relieving stress and tension in the back, and can help to improve the function of the digestive and respiratory systems. This pose also invokes feelings of courage and self-confidence as it resembles the hood of a cobra. Regular practice of this pose can help to increase overall strength and flexibility in the body, as well as provide numerous mental and emotional benefits.

1 thought on “Cobra Pose – How to Perform the Cobra Yoga Pose?”

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